Brighton & Hove City Council
Housing Management Panel: West Hove & Portslade Area
2.00pm25 MAY 2021
Present: Councillors Allcock, and O’Quinn
Representatives: Muriel Briault, Alison Gray, Graham Dawes, Roy Crowhurst, Ann Tizzard, Ann Packham, Claire Johsnson,
Officers: Diane Coe, Rob Keelan, Sam Warren, Alice Curtis, Tom Matthews, Eddie Wilson
1. Apologies
1.1 Apologies were received from Councillor Pissaridou.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2021 were agreed as an accurate record.
Positive Community News “Brightstore”
2.2 At the invitation of the Chair a representative from “Brightstore” was in attendance and gave a brief presentation about their work, answered questions from those who were present and explained how further information could be accessed.
3. Chair's Communications
3.1 The Chair addressed the panel and gave the following communications:
He re-iterated his comments made at the previous meeting and was anxious to acknowledge the feedback that residents and staff had taken time to give and had continued to give in respect of all of the Area Panels during what had been a difficult time for all.
There are challenges with using the internet particularly with software, different devices and networks, it was recognised that this could make meetings more complicated and everyone’s patience with issues being resolved was appreciated. The community engagement team were continuing to work with residents to support as many people as possible to access them. Feedback received was being used to help to inform and improve the way that meetings were organised in future.
Officer who will be able to put you in touch with the right service or person.
4. West Area Panel Agenda
Review of Previous Actions
4.1 The Housing Manager referred to an update provided at the previous meeting and stated that an update had been prepared and circulated, although it needed to be acknowledged that this was a work in progress and that there had been some slippage in consequence of Covid.
Responses to Residents Questions
Item 1 – Maintenance Schedules. The following areas were covered:
Housing Repairs & Improvement
External Repairs & Redecoration
Window Replacement
Roof Replacement
Door Replacement
4.2 AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.
Item 2 – Lack of Action from City Clean
4.3 This was being kept under review, officers to continue to be informed of issues.
4.4 AGREED – that the response be noted.
Item 3 – MEARs Payment for Estate Development Budget Work
4.5 AGREED – Response noted and to be kept under review.
Item 4 – Estate Development Budget
4.6 AGREED – Response noted.
Item 5 – Environmental Improvement Budget
4.7 AGREED – Response noted. Also noted, that there was a separate report appearing elsewhere on the agenda.
Item 6 - Buy Local
4.8 Responses given to issues raised noted. Noted that issues in relation to Recycling Bins at Woods House were being investigated further and that a further update would be provided in due course.
4.9 AGREED – that the response be noted.
Item 7 – Major Works Defects Review.
4.10 AGREED – that the response be noted. Also, that was covered by an update report appearing elsewhere on the agenda.
Item 8 – Getting Back Together (North and Central)
4.11 AGREED – that the response be noted.
Item 9 – Citywide Conference, Organising Group New Members Needed.
4.12 AGREED – that the response and actions taken be noted.
Item 10 – Communications Between Officers and Residents
4.13 AGREED – that the response and actions being taken be noted.
Item 11 – Clearance of Overgrown Areas in City Parks
4.14 AGREED – that the response and actions being taken be noted.
Item 12 – Estate Development Budget (EDB) Fencing
4.15 AGREED – that the response and actions being taken be noted.
Items for Housing Committee
Environmental Improvement Budget Update (including Appendix including Major Works Defects Review)
5.1 Officers detailed the various issues highlighted, progress made and planned works going forward and the rationale for those decisions. It was recognised that there had been slippage in consequence of Covid and that there would be a time lag. It would take a while to catch up and progress would not be immediate. The same applied in relation to the major defects review, although works identified as the most pressing would be given priority.
5.2 Several of the representatives present sought clarification of the process and expressed concern in respect of some works which they were aware of which had been outstanding for some time, also the need for residents to be kept fully apprised of the process, the different budgets used.
5.3 Questions were also raised in relation to harmonisation of the repairs schedules, how elements of the budget were allocated and non-urgent work prioritised and timescales for repairs generally. Officers agreed to look into the queries raised and to report back in due course.
5.4 AGREED – That the information provided and follow up action to be taken be noted.
Annual Report
5.5 The information set out was detailed and amplified by Officers, notwithstanding the impact of Covid work was progressing. Reference was made by those present to the timescale(s) for re-letting empty properties post pandemic. Agreed that a response/update would be provided.
5.6 AGREED – That the information provided and follow up action to be taken be noted.
5.7 concern was raised regarding watering arrangements for planting provided on estates. This would become increasingly necessary during the summer months. This needed to be able to be carried out safely and the risk of theft or vandalism of equipment minimised. It was agreed that this should not involve costs to tenants’ i.e., on their water bill. Agreed that the relevant officers would explore:
Provision of outdoor taps/water butts (enabling rainwater to be re-cycled)
Agreed that access to water needed to be secure and vandal proof – lockable cages to taps? .
The meeting concluded at 4.34pm
Signed |
Chair |
Dated this |
day of |